The First Temple of Changhua

About Kaihua Temple

The   Kaihua Temple (also "Guan-Yin-Ting", Chinese: 觀音亭, meaning "the pavilion of Guanyin") is a Buddhist temple, like other temples integration of Buddhism and Taoism in Taiwan, Guanyin Temple doesn’t only serve Guanyin (Buddhist God) also the other Goddess.

十八尊者  Eighteen Arhats

台灣的民間信仰 Folk Beliefs in Taiwan

Folk religion in Taiwan is basically polytheistic, Folk religion in Taiwan is a mixture of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism

That is the Buddhist6 Goddess of Mercy7, Guanyin. This temple is dedicated to her, but over 10 other gods and goddesses are also worshipped8 here, like The Three Divine Officials(三官大帝), The Goddess of Child Birth(註生娘娘), A couple of Acne(痘公痘婆), Prefecture City God ( Chenghuang城隍爺 ), Earth God (福德正神), Bodhisattva Ksitigarbhas (地藏王菩薩 ) and  Wenchang Dijun (文昌帝君)


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